Sovrinti, Inc. Signs Agreement With Aptus Life to Provide ADL and Vitals Monitoring Services.
WACO, TX, UNITED STATES, September 2024 — Sovrinti, Inc. ( announces an agreement with Aptus Life ( to provide ADL and vitals monitoring services in support of their Aptus Life virtual primary care network. The Aptus Formula includes personalized care, virtual accessibility, and AI-driven monitoring.
The Sovrinti VITAdLS system provides in-home or facility-based real-time monitoring of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and vital measurements. This data is used to establish an individual’s behavior patterns and identify changes in these patterns. Sovrinti’s AI algorithms take advantage of our inherent behavior habits which begin to change subtlety when our health changes. From these changes, Sovrinti provides a rising risk assessment to the Aptus Life primary care models enabling proactive instead of reactive interventions by the Aptus primary care physicians.
Mr. Jay Brenner, founder of Aptus Life states, “We believe the Sovrinti system’s AI-Driven monitoring is one of the key elements to Aptus Life’s proactive care model. With this data, we can continue to make significant improvements in the quality of life of our clients and greatly reduce the overall cost of care.”
The Sovrinti system has recently completed a number of validation studies as part of the National Institutes of Health and National Institute on Aging programs including as part of the Artificial Intelligence Technology Collaboratory program. A summary presentation of the results is available at; Comparison Of Sensor Based Continuous ADL Assessments To Care-Giver ADCS-ADL Survey Results. Fitch J,,Innov Aging 2023 Dec 21;7(Suppl 1):872.doi:10.1093/geroni/igad 104.2808. PMCID:PMC10738336.